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CSEdBotswana Summit

March 30 - 31, 2023

Broadening Participation in Computer Science education Botswana Summit 

The CSEdBotswana Summit 2023 is a 2-day event that will be creating an opportunity to gather and motivate policy makers, government officials, industry leaders, universities, researchers, advocates, teachers and students who want to be making a change toward providing computer science education for all, for a developing country  in the context of Botswana. 

The summit will be held from the 30th to the 31st March 2023  at the University of Botswana Conference Center in Botswana, Gaborone. 

We expect 150 participants locally and internationally to attend the summit.

The summit supports the Botswana government's mission of using digital transformation as an engine for a knowledge-based economy, innovation, and development. The sessions will include talking about the need for computer science education, lessons learnt from around the world, teacher development and curriculum standards and creating an opportunity for sharing resources and creating partnerships.

Certificate of Attendance

Participants will be awarded with a Certificate of attendance and participation by the University of Botswana


The CSEdBotswana summit will be in-person in Botswana, Gaborone.

Registration will be ($450) P5500 for international participants , ($200) P2600 for local participants, ($50) P600 for students

The registration fees cover two tea breaks (morning and afternoon), lunch and summit materials.

Register for this event and claim your seat


Payments can be made in two ways:

Option 1

Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank Botswana


Account Number : 01-001-101096-00 

Account Type : CURRENT 

Currency : BWP 

Branch : MALL Branch 

Code : 662167 


Ensure you write reference as CSEdBotswana and your name

Option 2

Or pay online via:

Payment online: Under “item”, select CSEdBotswana,  put your Full name as Reference, put amount in BWP, and follow the instructions


The Keynote speaker is Professor Quintin Cutts (MBE) (Scotland). Other International speakers and panelists will include among others, Professor Felienne Hermans (Netherlands), Dr. Sue Sentance (UK), Dr. Alan Peterfreund (USA), Dr. Joshua Childs (USA), Dr. Carol Fletcher (USA), Dr. Allyson Kennedy (USA), Ms Crystal Franklin (USA) and Dr. Chinma Uche (USA). The local speakers and panelists will include Professor Lily Mafela (UB), Dr Ethel Tshukudu (UB), the Ministry of Education leaders, Universities, Botswana industry leaders and more.

Meet the Speakers

Alan Peterfreund.jpg

Dr. Alan Peterfreund

Executive Director of SageFox Consulting Group - Amherst Massachusetts, much of his work has addressed equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice in STEM education.  Senior leader in Expanding Computing Educational Pathways

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Dr. Allyson Kennedy

Program director for education and workforce in the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)

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Bryan Cox

Computer Science Program Specialist at the Georgia Department of Education

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Dr. Carol Fletcher

Director of EPIC (Expanding Pathways in Computing) at UT Austin's Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) where she oversees research and professional development projects in STEM and CS education such as the nationally recognized WeTeach_CS program

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Dr. Chinma Uche

Mathematics and Computer Science (CS) teacher at CREC Academy of Aerospace and Engineering in Windsor, Connecticut, USA. She serves in many boards, advocating and supporting CS education and social justice reforms

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Crystal Franklin

Director of K-12 Computer Science Education at Cleveland State University,  overseeing the region’s Computer Science professional development for educators

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Mr Duncan Pie

COO of inq.Edge. experienced professional in Financial Services, IT and Telecoms covering Strategy, Product Development, Sales, People Management and Executive Management

Ethel Tshukudu.jpeg

Dr Ethel Tshukudu

Director of CSEdBotswana and lecturer in Computer Science Education at the University of Botswana

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Professor Felienne Hermans

Professor of Computer Science Education at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Creator of the Hedy programming language, and the author of “The Programmer’s Brain. Awarded the Dutch Prize for ICT research

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Dr. Joseph Carroll-Miranda

Professor at the Graduate Studies Department of the College of Education of the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus. Advisory board of Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance project Expanding Computing Educational Pathways

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Dr. Joshua Childs

Assistant professor in the Educational Policy and Planning program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy

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Mr Motshidisi Kenneth Setimela

Founder & MD of LeveragePoint, an innovative software development company. Served at the Local Enterprise Authority & SADC Secretariat

Mr Oabona Michael Kgengwenyane.png

Mr Oabona Michael Kgengwenyane

Founder and Managing Director of both X-Pert Group Botswana and InnoLead Consulting and the current Managing Director. Board Member at Venture Partners Botswana, RIPCO Technology Research Company, Y-Care Youth support NGO

Odirile Tamajobe.jpeg

Mr Oridirile Tamajobe

Managing Director - Liquid Intelligent Technologies . Entrepreneur. Coach

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Professor Quintin Cutts

Professor of Computer Science Education, directing the Centre for Computing Science Education at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Awarded an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for services to computing science

Sedireng Serumola.jpeg

Mr Sedireng Serumola

Managing Director of Diamond Trading Company Botswana and has over 20 years of progressive mining experience gained in the public sector, engineering consultancy, mining & processing, diamond sorting and valuation environment

Segametsi Mafa.jpeg

Ms Segametsi Mafa

Founder and Managing Director of Service Xcellence, an ICT Consultancy Business focused on IT Governance, IT Service Management, Strategy, Risk and Project Management Consulting

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Mr. Tshepo Tsheko

Acting Chief Executive Officer - Director of Marketing & Partnerships


CSEd Botswana will be hosted at University of Botswana Conference Center in Botswana, Gaborone

Summit Photo Galery

The much anticipated and indeed one of a kind event finally arrived on the 30th through 31st March 2023 and we are elated to announce that it was a huge success. We were indeed humbled by the level of attendance and stimulating discussions.

It is against this backdrop that we take this opportunity to express, heartfelt appreciation to everyone for taking their time to attend and contribute to the CSEdBotswana summit 2023 which was aimed at helping to develop and advance the strategy of broadening computer science education participation in Botswana schools. We were greatly warmed by your presence. We hope everyone had an amazing experience.

We are very excited that this was our first computer science education summit, and we attracted over 140 participants consisting of policy makers, government officials, industry leaders, universities, researchers, advocates, teachers and students. We were especially honored that the Assistant Minister of Education and skills Development, Honourable Nnaniki Wilhemina Tebogo Makwinja found it worthy of her time to come and speak at this auspicious event. Amongst other esteemed speakers on Day 1 of the event were The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology, Mr Pontsho Pusoetsile as well as The Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Skills Development, Ms Lois L Ngope, keynote speaker Quintin Cutts and International delegates from the USA, UK and the Netherlands.

Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to the Diamond Trading Company Botswana (Pty) Ltd, who were the main sponsor, as well as Liquid Intelligent Technologies and other sponsors who believed in us enough to put resources towards assisting us to realize the ambitious CSEdBotswana Objectives. The lively talks and panel discussions by both Botswana Industry leaders and international experts left us in awe.  We hope that you will all continue to be a great support as we strive to provide every student in Botswana with the opportunity to learn computer science skills which align with the government’s digitization strategy.

CSEd Botswana

A L L   S T U D E N T S   S H O U L D   B E   G I V E N   T H E   O P P O R T U N I T Y   T O   L E A R N   C S

30 Boltwood Walk, Amherst, MA, 01002 USA

+1 413.256.6169


Ethel Tshukudu, University of Botswana:

© 2022 CSEd Botswana, All Rights Reserved

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