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Everyone should be given the opportunity to learn computer science

CSEd Botswana Hour of Code

Hour of Code will engage students and teachers in Botswana and show that everyone can learn to code.  

On March the 6th of 2023, CSEdBotswana, an initiative in the Faculty of Maths and Science Education at the University of Botswana will provide an opportunity for students and teachers in Botswana secondary schools to engage in an hour of code event. The aim of the activity is to broaden participation in computing and sensitize the community by showing that anyone can learn the basics of computing in a fun and easy way. Through this activity, CSEdBotswana will reach all the 9 regions in Botswana, over 1000 students, over 15 schools, 20 teachers and 20 facilitators. 

Be a creator not just a user!

6th March 2023

CSEd Botswana Hour of Code Photo gallery

 Teacher Training Session

Following last week's virtual training of Teachers in preparation for the CSEdBotswana Hour of code. On 27rd February 2023, we convened at the University of Botswana, Maths and Science Department for in-person training of facilitators who will go out to schools in the 9 regions of Botswana to facilitate this event. In their own words, these facilitators say "We can't wait to hit the schools".

Thanks to all the organizers, facilitators and companies for heeding the call to be facilitators for the Hour of Code and being part of the journey to make an impact in Batswana Children: Dr Ethel Tshukudu, Ms Katharine Childs, Dr Maria Kalia, Mr Will Darragh, Dr Edward Zimudzi, Ms Carolina Moreira and Mr Thato Lebane. LeveragePointBW, Service Xcellence BW, VIGILAN LINK, Techno Fairy, PCG Software, Innovateium, MORETT, DevSQL, Xavier Africa, UB, Ministry of Communications and Transport, Ministry of Education, Diamond Trading Company Botswana (Pty) Ltd.

Getting Ready

The Event

9 regions, 15 schools, 20 teachers, 30 facilitators, and over 1000 students across Botswana. The mood was electric, the students, facilitators, and teachers loved it. The media, came out to bear witness. The general consensus with no empirical study conducted is that Batswana students are ready to have coding taught as part of their curricula. We cannot wait to discuss the findings of the hour of code at the coming CSEdBotswana Summit billed for 30th to 31st March 2023.

Thank you Diamond Trading Company Botswana (Pty) Ltd for sponsoring the event and providing an enabling environment to effect change and strive for a national impact on the lives of young learners in the country. You are awesome 🙏 .Schools that participated in the hour of code today ( Maruje JSS, Bobirwa JSS, Itekeng JSS, Shakawe SSS, Mahupu Unified, Salepito JSS, Matsha College, Tashatha JSS, Gaborone SSS, Gaborone SSS, Ledumang SSS, Mogoditshane SSS, Ledumang SSS, Mogoditshane SSS, lMoshupa SSS, Kgari Sechele SSS, Kgari Sechele SSS, Molefhi SSS, Molefhi SSS, Popagano JSS, Dow Academy. Dr. Ethel Tshukudu, thank you for the initiative, University of BotswanaSageFox Consulting Group, Ministry of Education and skills development, your support is invaluable 🙏


The event is sponsored by Diamond Trading Company Botswana (DTC Botswana)

CSEd Botswana

A L L   S T U D E N T S   S H O U L D   B E   G I V E N   T H E   O P P O R T U N I T Y   T O   L E A R N   C S

30 Boltwood Walk, Amherst, MA, 01002 USA

+1 413.256.6169


Ethel Tshukudu, University of Botswana:

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