Investigating K-12 Computing Education in Botswana and other three African countries
The CSEdBotswana research is concerned with giving a broad overview of computing education in Botswana.
Together with other researchers, we conducted a study investigating the capacity for delivering computing education in four Sub-Saharan African countries: Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda, countries which are in different geographic regions as well as in different income brackets (low-middle income).
Teachers for the four African countries were given a survey from the 1st of December 2020 to the 31st of January 2021. Fifty-eight teachers completed the survey in its entirety and gave permission for the data to be shared publicly. The final data set has been made publicly available here.
The analysis has shown that, there is still a need for resources (policies, funding, curriculum, and infrastructure) for computing in the four African countries and that it is difficult to instigate teacher professional development in topics like programming while that is still being developed.
The data also shows that African countries are still focusing on the capacity for level of the CAPE framework and until the needs of that level are met, they will struggle to progress to issues around providing access to the curriculum across the population. We propose that the underlying layer of “Capacity for” be more multi-layered as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A multi-faceted view of capacity for computing education
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