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Hour of Code Training Materials

The Hour of Code is a fun, creative activity to introduce students to computer science. We support schools to participate by providing free training, videos and guides to help achieve success. On this page you will find all the information you need to run the Hour of Code in your school. There are three different activities. Please choose the appropriate activity for the age of your students and start creating with code! 

Hedy activity (Senior secondary schools)

In the Hedy activity, students use a text-based programming language. Our expert teacher trainer Sabina will explain how to complete the activity in the five videos below. 

Level 1 Video

Level 3 Video

Level 2 Video

Level 4 Video

Level 5 Video

Hello World activity (Junior secondary schools)

In the Hello World activity, students use a block-based coding environment and create simple animations of emojis. From this page, you can access the activity online. You can also watch videos of how to complete the activity, which have been recorded by our expert teacher trainer volunteer, Gofiwa. Finally, there is a free guide for teachers and facilitators with tips and ideas for running a successful Hour of Code! 

This video will explain steps 1 to 5 of the activity. 

This video will explain steps 6 to 11 of the activity. 

AI for Oceans activity (Primary schools)

Did you know that AI is becoming an increasingly important technology in our world today? AI is used to help computers spot patterns and speed up tasks. In the AI for Oceans activity, students train a machine learning model to see the difference between sea creatures and ocean rubbish. From this page, you can access the activity online. You can also watch videos of how to complete the activity, which have been recorded by our expert teacher trainer volunteer, Gofiwa. Finally, there is a free guide for teachers and facilitators with tips and ideas for running a successful Hour of Code! 

This video will explain the activity step-by-step.

CSEd Botswana

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+1 413.256.6169


Ethel Tshukudu, University of Botswana:

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